Holistic Palmist

Many years of combined practise and blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled to 10 years training in the Harry Edwards school of spirit mediumship and guidance, and trained with mediums Doris Collins and Doris Stokes,
and psychiatrists Henry Rey and Joyce Mcdougall, and accessing the wisdom of the multimedical and multispiritual arenas of the Indo/Pak subcontinental energy flow disciplines such as Hasthricka and Il-Mul-Kaff, have meant a sharpening and honing of clairvoyant skill ranges which can take a subject from pre-birth through the main events of the life, to the present day.
Giving release from emotional turbulence with heartscape counselling, including assessment of problematic psychological postures.
With caring advice and pointers on emotional anatomy and karmic infrastructure.
Book of Isiaah 49-16.
”for behold I have engraven thee on the palms of my hands”
This particular style is known to experts as, “ Jungian Holistic Psycho-Chirology”
T Stokes is known world wide as the “HOLISTIC PALMIST”
Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients from all walks of life